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Discover How EngagedAI Are Driving Success in the Auto Industry

A Game-Changer for Automotive Communication – My Trust Paid Off!

I could not be happier with EngagedAi. From the moment I received a presentation I knew immediately this was going to be an evolution and genuinely believed in the team and their vision to deliver something we all desperately need regardless of how well we are doing as a dealership. I believed Coop and his dedication with building something would truly be the most innovative communication tool I've seen in all my years in automotive. And his CTO Suman innovates, and solves quicker than any other company I have ever had a chance to work with. I'm glad I trusted my gut with them as I have already seen real results. Within just our first few months working with them we simply set up the integrations and watched our reviews improve our ratings on Google quickly and efficiently. That is simply the gravy on top with what these guys are doing for us. I am happy to go on record and put my name on this product and their team. EngagedAi is the real deal. They are not just another Vendor! Built by automotive for automotive and it shows in every aspect of the platform.

Kurt Maletych
VP & Co-Owner - Ken Grody Ford

Empowering Success: A Long-Standing Partnership with EngagedAi at Glenn Polk

Here at Glenn Polk we have been a customer of EngagedAi's since the very beginning. We believed in Cooper's vision and Suman's unmatched ability to deliver quickly on feedback from the customer has been a fresh breath of air compared to the majority of the vendors I have worked with throughout my years. I have personally looked at all of the most innovative Ai solutions our market has to offer and none come even remotely close to EngagedAi. They certainly do not feel at all like a vendor but more of a partner in our success. We are looking forward to launching campaigns for all of our sources to yield the same improvements we have seen on lead responses with the current sources they already manage. I can speak firsthand what it is like to work with the team at EngagedAi, I feel heard, and like family. They genuinely care deeply about solving the needs we all have in the automotive space and I am excited to be on the forefront of the future of communication in the automotive space with EngagedAi.

Aarond Dobrow
Director of Internet and Digital Business Operations - Glenn Polk Auto Group

Transforming my Sales Game: A Journey with EngagedAi at Gosch Chevrolet

My name is Megan Bessette and I am the internet manager at Gosch Chevrolet. We stated using social mining AI about 6 months ago and in the beginning I was not utilizing AI as I should have. I was stuck in my normal routine and in that routine AI did not exist. I had a very long conversation with Coop and he convinced me I would be missing out in a big way if I did not jump all in. I committed to Coop that day and I have not looked back since. As soon as I get a lead the first thing I do is pull up EngagedAi with a quick click to fire off a SMS. Most of my customers do not like to answer the phone but they respond almost right away to my text. I had a customer that was not answering the phone a few days ago. I had sent a text with an appointment in it and the customer responded to me almost immediately. That customer came in and purchased a car. Another lead I had received, I opted the customer into the system and it was a duplicate lead that did not come across as a duplicate in my CRM. "Otto" , wrote my message I was about to send to this customer and I immediately got worried. Otto was writing something ahout an appointment this customer had missed so I immediately called Coop and asked WHY would Otto say something like this to a new lead... He told me first to second guess the CRM before second guessing Otto, and sure enough it was a lead from just two weeks earlier who had missed their appt and had not rescheduled yet. I dont have time to triple check all of my leads before writing a first message, so not only do I get more respsonses because lets face it Otto is much better at writing messages that warrant a repsonse but it also made the message far more relative which gave the impression to the customer I strive to do myself and showed him we are on to of our business. This was absolutely amazing, and now because I use it all of the time I get experiences like this daily. ! This is the best tool I think I have ever used to help me sell a car! I am also very impressed with the tool that allows a customer to write a review in less than 30 seconds. The reviews are very precise and extremely professional. If you do not have EngagedAi you are missing out on deals on a daily basis, not to mention making your customers happier and more impressed with your business.

Megan Bessette
Internet manager at Gosch Chevrolet

I saw how EngagedAi could help not only my store, but all of us in the business.

I first heard about EngagedAi through a zoom call that the COO of our company FORCED me to be on. As I tend to do, I logged on a little late, and Greg(Coop) had already begun. I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. I have been in the business since 1997 and I believe in true sales activity. Just like many of my peers, I have always believed that one on one interaction between two humans is the most productive way to sell, but since I was on the call, I figured I would listen.


I don’t remember what was said that changed things, but during the presentation I saw how EngagedAi could help not only my store, but all of us in the business. For some reason we hear Ai and IMMEDIATELY think of robots that are going to take over the world and it is the end of humanity. We may not want to admit this, but ALL OF US think it. So anytime I have even tried to discuss the option of AI people mention the fact that they don’t want to contribute to this human demise, and they turn their heads. Then, by no fault of our own, we immediately turn our minds off to the prospect that there is a GREAT middle ground between The Terminator and Used Cars!!!


Imagine for a minute, you log into work on Monday after a tough weekend. You begin to filter through emails and suddenly there is an email from a prospect that is telling you how HORRIBLE your team is. First off, your team did not respond to the lead in an acceptable time, and then when they did, they sounded uninterested and unprofessional.  You read further and discover that your team didn’t ask the appropriatly trained questions, nor did they set a professional appointment. Somehow, the customer set their OWN time to come in, and it didn’t get better from there. The team then forgot to confirm the appointment, and when the customer came in, the salesperson was busy, and they were passed off to a less qualified consultant that knew NOTHING about the customer. Long story LONGER, the customer didn’t buy a vehicle from you, and never would!!! Sound Familiar?


What if all the things in that email DIDN’T happen? What if the associate was able to communicate quickly, professionally, in a respectful manner? What if the appointment was set by the customer themselves, but through the guise and professionalism of Ai that never says it is a computer OR a human? Imagine the customer NEVER having a reason to believe that they are communicating with anyone BUT the sales professional, but without the human error. What if the Ai was able to INCLUDE the salesperson in the process 100% of the way, that way when the customer showed up, EVERYONE was in the know? Then, after the customer has had a seamless online interaction with the dealership, the customer shows up to the dealership believing that they have been dealing with a professional, punctual, and informed dealer. What if the salesperson’s bad day didn’t get in the way of the appointment setting, or the question answering? – THAT is one part of what EngagedAi can do.


Although I still believe that one on one interaction is the best form of selling, I believe EngagedAi has discovered the way to introduce artificial intelligence to the sales floor without making us feel like it’s a hostile takeover. I could waste a WHOLE lot more of your time with this testimonial talking about how they set appointments with OTTO, and how they help customers submit AMAZING testimonials post sale for your online reputation, how they can “listen” to blogs and find deals that you aren’t paying for, or even how AWESOME the team is to work with, but you probably haven’t made it this far anyway!!!! If you did, just give Coop and the team half an hour to show you how your dealership can benefit from the REAL Ai solution built by, specific to, and targeted at helping you run your store!!!!

Israel Mora
General Manager - Gosch Chevrolet

A Powerful Tool for Boosting Customer Engagement and Online Reputation

Since using Engaged AI, our response rate and customer engagement has seen great improvement. We rely strongly on "Otto" to formulate well written and very professional messages using past responses, notes, interactions and mined info that customers respond well to. The conversation summary tool makes it very time efficient to know exactly what has been discussed without having to read every response that has happened. We set appointments, send attachments, have saved templates and much more all in one window. The review tool makes it quick and simple for customers to write positive and well written feedback after a sale or even just about an experience. Which has boosted our online rating and popularity. Our managers overlook all conversations and responses from customers through Activity Center to make sure that all is going well and customers are being properly assisted. From the engagement site we can track all the analytics, edit and create campaigns as well as quickly oversee customer interactions. We are very pleased and excited with all the tools provided as well as eager to see more growth and tools that they will be rolling out. I strongly recommend this tool.

John Young
Internet Director - GOScH Chevrolet